Thursday 28 January 2021


Website Link

Audio Visual - can be located on the Music page and the home, spefically the choreography video.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Statment of Intent



My video advocates for LGBTQ+ rights using performance and informative scenes. The performances entail singing in front of a wall of articles relating to LGBTQ+ history. Choreography inspired by the love and oppression entangled within being a part of the LGBTQ+. Alongside members of the public watching key events with the same video projected across their faces. The informative scenes include standing at popular London locations where major events have occurred through LGBTQ+ history. Many are examples of homophobia or oppression, others showcase growth in our acceptance. This fits with the protest genre because it advocates for an oppressed group. The song also fits the protest genre. The glamourous appearance and dynamic choreography will attract my target audience (16-25), as well as the topic of the video. Gen Z and Millennials are actively in sighting change for injustice.

My video will include a multitude of different representation fitting the diversity and inclusiveness value of my company Warner Music Group. I comply with the creativity and innovative value by self-choreographing using a Frantic Assembly technique called Chair duets to convey the message of the video. The footage of people watching videos with projections across their face has intertextual links with Hozier’s music video for Nina Cried Power. The mise en scene for these scenes will connote that the LGBTQ+ are a tight community that have been through many highs and lows. An audience will be compelled to share these experiences either feeling pride or empathy. I will include visually interesting camera shots .e.g. an arc shot to keep the audience enticed as well as colour correction in post-production to create a professional and serious ambience. Colour will be a crucial, as the colourful shots represent the wonderful but few joyous moments or being LGBTQ+ in the UK. Overall, I wish to convey using media language that change needs to continue to make the LGBTQ+ more accepted, again advocating for an oppressed minority fitting with the genre and my company.

My website will include the typical conventions of an artist’s website, information on tour dates, new song release and merchandise to name a few. It will be reminiscent of Warner Music Group Artists’ A-Ha by using the same monochrome theme they have. My site will include the following pages: Home, Events, Music, About and Merch. It will have a pop up contact box and links to my artists social media ( typical website conventions). My artist will have active social media advertising her new single.

416 words